Minggu, 28 April 2013

Kenalan (?)

Ini foto diambil pas hari jumat, pas ga ada guru di kelas haha. Kenalin, yang paling kiri itu Elisa, sebelahnya Elisa itu Aku, terus Epik, Iyak, dan yang pojok kanan itu Almas.

Foto ini diambil juga pas hari jumat. Yang pojok yang pake jilbab, itu namanya Febby, biasanya sih dia di panggil Bebek kalo disekolah.

Foto ini di ambil di rumah nya Almas, pas kita mau bikin video buat tugas TIK. Kalo dari barisan satu sampe ketiga udah kenal kan ya? Nah.. kalo yang pake baju biru itu namanya Ochi, dan sebelah kanan itu si Febby atau Bebek kalo lagi ga pake jilbab. Uuu~ cantik ye :3

 Nah, ini foto kita pas berdiri!!! ngg apabgt deh-__-

Rabu, 13 Maret 2013


Chocolate. There are few foods that people feel as passionate 
about -- a passion that goes beyond a love for the "sweetness" 
of most candies or desserts: after all, few people crave caramel, 
whipped cream, or bubble gum. 
Chocolate is, well, different. For the true chocoholic, 
just thinking about chocolate can evoke a pleasurable response. 
You may want to grab a bar or make a nice cup of hot cocoa 
before you begin exploring here.

This special online-only edition of Exploring takes a closer look at the sweet lure of chocolate. We'll examine the fascinating -- and often misreported -- history of chocolate, follow the chocolate-making process, and take an online visit to a chocolate factory. We'll also look at the science of chocolate, and find out about the latest research into the possible health effects of its consumption. Lastly, we'll explore the somewhat controversial question of why chocolate make us feel so good. Cacao Beans

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